Human capital
Human resources management
Our approach to human capital
The people working at Yakult, including Yakult Ladies and Yakult Group employees, represent the core strength of our business operations and are indispensable assets. We believe that enabling our diverse human resources to give expression to their broad range of skills is vital to achieving the goals of our management strategy.
Human resources development
Fundamental philosophy about human resources management
Human resources development at Yakult is premised on designing the future through a thirst for learning—a process emphasizing discovery, rather than instruction. We aim to create ideal workplaces where employees take on challenges, recognize their own issues, and acquire the knowledge and skills to overcome them. Our training programs are evolving from the transmission of information to opportunities to gain new insights by taking action.
Human Resources Management Policy
Individuals shall recognize their own challenges, and improve their knowledge and skills
We unite diverse individuals and the organization to improve ability to take action
We create motivating workplaces for each individual to facilitate the above
The three pillars of human resources development strategy
- Foster personnel to establish a growth driver
- Foster personnel in a way that supports the growth of diverse individuals
- Foster personnel capable of embodying shared values
Health-focused management
Statement on Health
The Yakult Group sees employee health maintenance and improvement as an investment that can enhance profitability in the long run. Viewing these concerns as a management issue, we promote strategic health-focused management and published in September 2017 our Statement on Health. To actively promote health-focused management, we established a dedicated Health Management Promotion Section of the Human Resources Department in fiscal 2020. While encouraging employees to manage their own health, the Group is also proactively engaged in the health maintenance and improvement of its employees. By further boosting everyone’s awareness and keeping them in good health, we aim for continuous and stable business development.
Statement on Health
We recognize that the health of our employees is essential to realizing the Yakult philosophy of “contributing to the health and happiness of people,” and therefore strive to create safe work environments that offer peace of mind, as well as promote good physical and mental health in our employees.
Diversity and inclusion
Fundamental philosophy about diversity
We recognize that promoting diversity is an integral component of corporate management today, not only to respond to a constantly changing external environment but also to understand and innovate to meet the needs of a diversifying customer base. The Yakult Group has long been working to foster a corporate culture where diverse human resources can thrive. We strive to maximize their individuality and capabilities in all aspects of such activities as hiring, job placement, staff reassignment and employee training.
Work-life balance
Fundamental philosophy about work-life balance
We define work-life balance as creating pleasant working environments that enable employees to maintain good health, maintain an optimal balance between their work and private lives, make the most of their abilities and feel motivated. At Yakult Honsha, we are moving ahead with efforts to prevent excessive work hours and create pleasant work environments by raising awareness of work-life balance among all employees, including by holding training sessions for newly appointed managers.
Occupational health and safety
Occupational health and safety systems
The Occupational Health and Safety Committee spearheads our effort to undertake thorough safety management and to create safe and comfortable work environments so that employees can work with peace of mind. As a result of these efforts, the number of accidents at work is extremely low, with commuting incidents accounting for the majority of cases.
Based on the Labor Standard Act, Fire Service Act and Industrial Safety and Health Act, we have formulated Health and Safety Management Regulations that aim to prevent accidents by employees and protect their lives and health, establish a work environment where they can perform their daily tasks with peace of mind, and improve labor efficiency.
Based on these regulations, the Occupational Health and Safety Committee, which meets monthly and is made up of our General Health and Safety Manager, occupational health physicians and employee representatives, strives to maintain and improve employees’ physical and mental health, perform health and safety visits and address any issues rapidly, and improve working conditions. As a result, the rate of accidents at work has remained at an extremely low level. In the past 10 years, there have been no fatal accidents involving regular employees or contract employees.
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