Resource recycling / Biodiversity
Resource recycling
Reducing waste

As required by the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law, waste from Yakult Honsha plants and bottling companies is sent to certified specialist contractors for processing as appropriate and managed using a manifest system. At the same time, through measures to curb waste generation and promote recycling, we are aiming to reach zero waste generation.* Waste generated by Yakult Honsha plants and bottling companies in fiscal 2023 totaled approximately 2,851 tons (approx. 1,945 tons by Yakult Honsha plants and approx. 906 tons by bottling companies). As a result of diverse efforts made to reduce waste, we successfully reduced waste generation by 18.7% compared to that of fiscal 2010, an action target of Environmental Actions (2021–2024).
We also strive to further promote the reuse of packing materials and the introduction of returnable packing materials. In addition, we are changing our waste recycling programs from thermal recycling at waste disposal contractor facilities to material recycling. We will continue to make improvements in our recycling programs while reducing processing expenses.
*Yakult’s definition of zero waste generation: A state achieved when the amount of waste for final disposal (landfill) from plants (excluding specially controlled industrial waste) is less than 1% of waste generated
Initiatives to reduce food loss and waste
Yakult's dairy products are made to order and produced through a lean production system. We strive to reduce our food loss and waste by limiting excess inventory and other measures.
Production volumes for soft drinks and noodle products are decided based on sales projections, allowing us to maintain appropriate inventory and avoid overstocking. As a further initiative to reduce food waste, since fiscal 2021 we have made donations to food banks through Food Bank All Japan.
Yakult Danone India Pvt. Ltd. ran training for employees to manage food waste in the plant cafeteria. It also graphs monthly food loss and waste data and shares it during internal meetings and on the cafeteria notice board as part of its efforts to reduce food loss.
Our business and biodiversity
Yakult clearly stipulates in one of the Action Directives in the Yakult Basic Policy on the Environment that “In all business activities, business units will give due consideration to the environment as well as biodiversity by promoting the reduction of environmental impacts.” We believe it is essential to give consideration to the global environment and biodiversity in our corporate activities that aim to benefit the health of our customers. We will strive to conserve biodiversity going forward by making good use of the technology we have built up in research and development over the years.
At each step of our business activities, from material procurement to disposal and recycling, we review our dependency and our impact on the environment, and then clarify the relationship between business activities and biodiversity as shown below:

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