We are promoting a reduction in CO2 emissions through the implementation of energy conservation measures.
Measures at Yakult Honsha plants and bottling companies
At Yakult Honsha’s seven plants and five bottling companies, we have stepped up energy and resource conservation activities with the goal of attaining objectives and targets based on the ISO 14001 standard.
In fiscal 2017, we implemented a number of efforts at our plants, including updating 12 molding machines to energy-efficient models for manufacturing Yakult and Joie containers at a total of six plants including the Fuji Susono Plant, and replacing mercury vapor lamps and fluorescent lights with LED lighting.
Solar power equipment at the Fukushima Plant
Cogeneration facilities at the Hyogo Miki Plant
FY2019GHG Calculation Report(period: 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020)
Initiatives at our plants outside Japan
We are working on environmentally responsible production not only at our plants in Japan, but also at our plants overseas. In order to reduce CO2 emissions, we have been promoting environmental management at each of our plants,and have taken measures to introduce energy-saving equipment, such as natural gas boilers that have superior energy efficiency, as well as equipment that allows for fine-tuning its operations according to the volume of steam used for our production lines.
Initiatives at our logistics
The Yakult Group’s shipping of dairy products and other food products as well as cosmetics and other products to marketing companies in Japan is primarily handled by a logistics subsidiary.
Our logistics subsidiary has obtained Green Management Certification for each of its marketing offices and is striving to continuously reduce the environmental impacts of its operations by rigorously practicing such eco-driving methods as those involving the operation of vehicles at speeds that maximize fuel economy and making efforts to minimize the time periods in which vehicle engines are allowed to idle.
Eco-Rail Mark and Eco-Ship Mark Certification
We are promoting a modal shift as one of our efforts to reduce environmental impact.
On February 26, 2015, we received company-wide and product-based certification* under the Eco-Rail Mark system, gaining recognition as a company that introduces environment-conscious rail freight transport at a level exceeding the Eco-Rail Mark’s standard. After the end of the initial two-year certification period, we reacquired certification in February 2017.
Further, for our initiative to promote ocean freight transport, we were certified under the Eco-Ship Mark system, on April 26, 2016.
CO2 emissions from the use of rail freight transport are one-eighth the levels of emissions from transportation by truck, and those from ocean freight are one-fifth those from trucks.
We will continue to deliver products to our customers while utilizing these more energy-efficient modes.
* Products certified: Toughman, Bansoreicha, Coffee Time, Kininaruyasai and Menkyokaiden
Eco-Rail Mark
Eco-Ship Mark